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What is Accreditation?

Accreditation is a process of quality assurance and improvement, whereby a programme in an approved Institution is critically appraised to verify that the Institution or the programme continues to meet and/or exceed the Norms and Standards prescribed by regulator from time to time. It is a kind of recognition which indicates that a programme or Institution fulfills certain standards. The purpose and impact of accreditation goes far beyond quality assurance of an Institution and its programs.

Major Impacts of Accreditation system:

Encourages quality improvement initiatives by Institutions.ext

Improves student enrollment both in terms of quality and quantity.

Helps the Institution in securing necessary funds and Enhances employability of graduates.

Facilitates transnational recognition of degrees and mobility of graduates and professionals.

Motivates faculty to participate actively in academic and related Institutional / departmental activities.

Helps create sound and challenging academic environment in the Institution, and Contributes to social and economic development of the country by producing high quality technical manpower.

A tool that stakeholders use to monitor, assess and evaluate the standards and quality of the education a student receives at a college, university or other institution of higher learning.

Major benefits of students who get enrolled:

Offers the highest quality education available.

Strengthens consumer's confidence, employers value degrees of an accredited program the most.

Helps institutions to know their strengths, weaknesses and opportunities, pushes them to continuously improve their programs and give them a new sense of direction, identity and targets.

Institution/programme demonstrates accountability to the public, commitment to excellence and continuous quality improvement.