Civil Engineering


To be a preferred department of learning for students and teachers alike, with dual commitment to Academic and Research, and serving students in an atmosphere of innovation and critical thinking.


  • To provide adoptable education for the graduates in preparing them for a rewarding career to develop academic and research in collaboration with industry and other institutions in the field of Civil Engineering.

  • To prepare the students as thinking professionals and good citizens who will be able to apply their knowledge critically and innovatively in solving contemporary professional and social problems.
  • Program Outcomes(POs) & Program Specific Outcomes(PSOs):



    25.0 LPA
    Highest Package
    Companies visited
    Average Package


    Journals Publications
    Conference Publications

    Dr.J.Sridhar, HOD-CIVIL

    - M.E., Ph.D.

    Civil engineers are the real creators of modern world. Civil engineering deals with design and construction of the things that we need to function efficiently as a society. This includes roads, bridges, and many other integral parts of the community. In essence, civil engineering may be regarded as the profession that makes the world a more agreeable place in which to live.
    Department of civil engineering working with a motivation of developing professional and personal skills of students, which facilitate them to perform magnificently as an eminent engineer in the society. Department provides platform to showcase and sharpen student's talents through a variety of events and activities planned throughout four years, for overall development of student’s personalities. We continue our effort to prepare and guide the students for the various competitive exams and interviews so that they perform better and make their carrier in the selected fields. Real world problems are blended in the curriculum, and these are taught by experts from industry in addition by guest lectures. Our focus is to effectively train our students as civil engineers who can serve the society competently, collaboratively, and ethically as planners, designers, constructors, and operators of the built environment.

    • Boddepalli Ramu won 2nd prize in the National level Art Expo on September 2023.
    • Devarakonda Pavan Kumar won 2nd prize in the National Level Javelin throw in Konna chinnarao memorial athletes and taekwondo meet.
    • Devarakonda Pavan Kumar won 2nd prize in the National Level Shot Put in Konna chinnarao memorial athletes and taekwondo meet.
    • Kannuru Naveen kumar won 3rd prize in the National Level JNTUGV inter college weight lifting championship.
    • V. Ram Mohan Rao won 3rd prize in the National Level JNTUGV inter college weight lifting championship-73kg.
    • B. Surya Prakash won 1st prize in the National Level Technical Paper Presentation.
    • V. Sai Kiran won 1st prize in the National Level Saryavarana samshodana.
    • M. Sushwa Swaraj won 1st prize in the national level Hydro Hike event conducted in STEPCONE.